One odd truth about simple solutions is people don’t always like what they might mean.
I was surprised to find MoND was a simpler solution than Dark Matter is to understanding how galaxies hold together under gravitational influence, with measurable precedent already available in the physical universe, but we still aren’t talking about Milgrom’s law seriously.
After all the only other energy field in the universe like gravity is electromagnetism, both have an inverse square relationship for force between objects, but not at first. In the near field electromagnetism follows an inverse cube relationship, then it switches to the far field and becomes an inverse square. So this kind of phenomenon is already a known.
If we allow the force of gravity to experience a near and far field, like electromagnetism, where the power of gravity drops from an inverse square of the distance between objects to just the inverse of the distance after a certain point, we get perfect galaxies. Everytime.
I can’t understand why that is not a simpler solution than a dark, magic, undetectable particle which conforms to no known laws of physics save gravity, has no possible physical explanation and doesn’t even constrain itself to the predictions of it’s own model. Whose only apparent purpose is to allow the force of gravity not to change like electromagnetism does and still allow the observable universe to make sense to us.
It seems like Occum’s razor, but I’m no expert…