Bruce Ishkoday
2 min readOct 13, 2018


I don’t see how what you describe is any different than what I did in regards to how Hawking radiation works. One thing you left out is the negative anti particle has to form inside the event horizon while the positive particle forms just outside.

What I’m saying is sometimes our theories are like stacked dominoes lined up ready to fall, the only problem is the last domino we are really certain is empirical was way, way back down the line before Copenhagen and the ones we are stacking now we can’t even be sure are even dominoes anymore.

While I can accept the science behind nonintuitive answers being correct, the idea that particles only take definite states because they are being measured in a universe that was billions of years old before our first single celled ancestors began to swirl in the primordial ooze strikes me as not just wrong but borderline hubris. This is where the concept of determinism is rooted.

So in that context I don’t see how determinism can be reconciled with Hawking’s mechanism for perfect black body radiation because it relies on virtual particles, which mean superposition of states, which means the ubiquitous quantum foam solution to vacuum energy. All of which have beautiful solid mathematical foundations, none of which have been physically measured or proven.

My conjecture of course was me just having fun, I tend to do that. If gravity is quantified one effect on quantum physics would be everything that’s real is also virtual. So while normal particles have quantum gravity, virtual particles will experience virtual quantum gravity.

In that moment they exist they would generate unimaginablely small gravity waves as they annihilate. Since they are quite literally everywhere in quantum theory that specific frequency of gravity wave would be occurring everywhere all at once, leading to a self amplified non local gravity wave background. All of this is well with the bounds of conservation of energy.

Either that, or we would collapse under the weight of virtual gravity into a black hole. An interesting effect of a gravity wave background would be around the edge of black holes, the same stomping grounds as Hawking radiation. The place where wave energy would experience the Shapiro time delay mentioned in the article.

In that place gravity waves would be delayed and have a chance to interact with each other and do what waves do in that situation, self amplify. There is an interesting idea describing an effect called RAMEN, relativistic accumulating mass effective mechanism, and some good math surrounding it, which posits those accumulated delayed gravity waves could act gravitationally like their own mass.

I don’t know if it’s a valid theory, jury is still out on that one, but I do appreciate the kind of thinking that led to it…



Bruce Ishkoday
Bruce Ishkoday

Written by Bruce Ishkoday

Chippewa tribal member and nascent writer

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