Hawking radiation is the process of radiating energy from a black hole predicated on the unproven assumption that virtual particles exist. It involves virtual pairs of particles and anti particles forming close to the event horizon and rather than annihilating each other the anti particle falls into the black hole and the other escapes, becoming “real".
The idea of virtual particles is a product of the concept of super position, which is to say that no particle has a definite state until it is measured. Therefore it is everywhere, in super position as a virtual particle, popping into and out of existence, annihilating itself against a virtual anti particle, until you look at something, like say the moon. Then it collapses into reality as the moon.
That’s not deterministic. That’s Copenhagen. Which means the information paradox as a quantum argument is not agnostic at all. In order for it to become more than just an academic question you have to accept the moon isn’t there when you’re not looking at it.
Determinism says the moon is still there whether you’re looking at it or not. The information paradox is built from a very Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics which is the opposite of that.
Let’s say virtual particles exist, and quantum gravity can be described, which it hasn’t yet, that would mean virtual particles would experience quantum gravity. Therefore there is either a standing virtual quantum gravity wave background or the universe should collapse into a black hole.
History teaches us sometimes what we prove isn’t what we thought it was, that our best ideas, those which hold true the longest, consistently challenge their own predicated fundamental assumptions. They do not accept or present those or any assumptions as facts…